As very few of you know (how could you?), Da-da's dad is a dead... uh, LIVE ringer for James Doohan, better known to the world as "Scotty" from Star Trek. People stop him all the time for autographs -- seriously -- and then get really mad when he won't sign their assorted body parts! All the folks in the small town in Idaho (where he lives) think he's James Doohan in hiding.
To test this, Da-da showed his two boys part of that long silly scene in STTMP ("Star Trek: The Motion Picture" to you non-geeks) where Scotty toddles Kirk around the exterior of the new-and-improved Starship Enterprise in a space jitney for way too long. After about a minute, the face clicked and Bronko yelled:
"Da-da! It's Grampa Scotty!"
"Whoa. Grampa Scotty can pilot a space jitney," his brother said.
Da-da's not sure what's scarier, the Scotty connection, the fact that his 5YO knows what a space jitney is, or the fact that Da-da just used the words, "SPACE JITNEY" three times in the same paragraph. (Da-da's mom is, o'course, "Grandma Scotty" for continuity's sake.)
Anyway, Da-da did the above sweatshirt for Grampa Scotty -- AND HE ACTUALLY WEARS IT -- as his dad loves sweatshirts. Any bets on how long until Cafepress pulls the plug on this little gem? I'd say about ten minutes. [And Da-da was right.] Da-da got one made and sent it to Grandpa Scotty and people STILL think he's Scotty. If he wore a Star Trek uniform, he'd make a zillion dollars at Comicon.
See? They all know you're Grampa Scotty. |