
MSNBC: "The Fed Caught Red-Handed"

You can wake Da-da now, because he passed out after he saw that this ran on MSNBC.

MSNBC! And it ran on March 24th?? This must be a news test balloon to see what people would do with it. What happened was... it never got seen. Till now.

Like Da-da's always said: It's not Federal. It's not a Reserve. And it's not a Bank. What is it? It's a PARASITE, one that will guarantee that your children are on the same silly fiscal treadmill you and your parents and your grandparents have been on since 1913. Check out this early 1900s cartoon describing the new Federal Reserve plan, set to be ratified (without Congress' approval) in 1913.

A cartoon from the early 1900s. Note that, the "Nat'l Reserve Association" was changed to,
the "Federal Reserve" to make it sound more governmental.
And who knew that giant rapacious octopi liked donuts. Or is it barfing donuts into the NYSE?

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